Chapter 38:
Happily Ever After
It had been a few months since Arnav and Khushi had had
their midnight chat. They had
continued their midnight chats every
night and every lunch they would go out on a mini date. Things were going
pretty well for the love birds even when Khushi had quit AR and saved up enough
money to start her own catering company. When she had told Arnav, he had been
very supportive.
“Arnavji, I want to quit AR.” She had said when she had come
to give him her resignation.
Arnav stared at her for a few minutes before replying.
“I want to start up my own catering company, it’s been a
dream of mine since I was really young.”
“That’s great Khushi,” Arnav said with enthusiasm. “But do
you have enough money.”
“I have enough to start small-”
“Let me give you some money.”
“No!” Khushi said a little too loudly and a little too
Arnav frowned. “Why not?”
“Because I want to earn my way and not be given everything
just because you love me.”
“Ok. How about you take out a loan from me and pay me back
when you start making profit?”
Khushi’s face brightened. “That’s a great idea! Thank you so
much Arnavji.”
True to his word, Arnav had given her the money along with
some contacts to help her get started but Khushi had done the rest. Her company
was going to officially open next month.
Of course, during the past few months Anjili had gotten
considerably better or at least considerably better at lying. She had filed for
her divorce and gotten it without a fuss. Shyam had been to glad to get rid off
her that he had been falling over himself to sign the papers.
“Finally! I can have Khushiji all to my self!” he had said
in a deranged and hysterical voice.
Anjili had looked down in disgust. “Good luck with that
because you’re going away for life and she’s marrying my brother and you know
how protective my brothers are.”
“I’ll find a way! Mark my words, she will be mine!”
Anjili had just rolled her eyes. “Seriously? Are you
actually doing the whole baddy thing? Look, you’ll be in super max for life
because you don’t deserve a quick death and I’m going to make sure of it!”
And sure enough, Shyam ended up in the super maximum
security prison for life. The day after he was transferred to the prison,
Anjili had called a family meeting.
“I know that you guys have been worried about me and I
appreciate your concern but honestly I’m fine. I’m really glad that Shyam is
out of our lives and I’m glad to Chote, NK and Khushi for showing me his real
face. And I want to thank everyone for being really patient with me especially Chote.”
“You don’t need to thank us Di, that’s just what family
does.” Said Arnav.
“I know but I’m still grateful. And I know that you think I
haven’t let you marry Khushi yet because I need time but it’s really because I
wanted to be sure that Shyam was away for good before we started celebrating.
So, I know you don’t need my permission but you want it so I’m giving it.
Chote, let’s get you married.” She said with a smile.
Everyone was happy to see Anjili smile again and even more
happy that Arnav, who had sworn never to get married, was getting married. The
wedding preparations had started that very week.
“I think that Chote and Khushi have waited long enough.
Besides, I don’t know how much longer Chote’s going to survive without
Khushiji.” Teased Anjili.
They had all gone over to Khushi’s house to give a formal proposal
to which Khushi and her family agreed to. The mehendi happened 3 days later
followed by the haldi the day after and then the wedding the day after that.
Arnav and Khushi couldn’t stop smiling throughout the week, they were finally
going to be together forever.
The wedding was an intimate affair, family only. When Arnav
and Khushi had completed the 7 phares and the priest had announced them husband
and wife, they had breathed a content sigh knowing that they had achieved their
happily ever after.
beautiful ending