Sunday, 14 July 2013

IAL Chapter 29: The Beginning of Shyam's Downfall

Chapter 29: The Beginning of Shyam’s Downfall


For the past week, Shyam had been drowning in work. He hadn’t had a second to go and see his beloved Khushiji and this was largely due to NK. On the first day, NK had gone out and hired a bunch of actors to go and ask Shyam for legal help, after all, Shyam was still and lawyer. He didn’t want to ask people who needed actual help because he knew that they’d get screwed over once Shyam was arrested.


Speaking of arrested, Mr X had continued to collect evidence of Shyam’s misconduct and he had collected more than what anyone would’ve thought. Arnav now had evidence to suggest that Shyam was not only an adulterer but a thief and a murderer. You see, when Khushi and Arnav told her parents the good news, her father had managed to congratulate her. They had been overwhelmed with joy until he told them how he had got into his state. It took the entire Gupta family to restrain Arnav from killing Shyam.


Shyam’s rein of terror was coming to an end very soon. In fact it happened the day that Payal and Akash came home from their honeymoon and the day that Mamiji, Naniji and Anjili came home.


After they had time to relax and freshen up, Arnav had told them the happy news. The only people who weren’t excited were Mamiji and Shyam. Naturally Shyam started planning ways to get rid of Arnav but Arnav knew what he was capable of now and he’s make sure that he never had a chance to put his plan into action.


They were having lunch and chatting light-heartedly.


“Di, how was pilgrimage?” asked Arnav.


“It was good but I missed everyone and the baby especially missed it’s daddy.”


“So Akash, how was your honeymoon?” asked NK.


Akash and Payal blushed.


“It was good.” Replied Akash.


“Just good?” teased Anjili.




“I want to see all the pictures you took while you were there.” Said Naniji.


Akash and Payal reddened further.


“Well, there’s not that many pictures.” Explained Akash.


“Why not? You were there for a week. What else could you have been doing?” teased Naniji.


By this time Akash and Payal were tomato red and Mamiji was bristling. The rest of the family laughed at their expense.


Naniji decided to change the topic. “We should go over to Khushi’s house and offer them a proper proposal.”


“That’s a good idea Nani. I’ll get on the phone after lunch and arrange everything.” Said Anjili.


“Oh guys, I’ve invited Khushji and her family over to watch the video I made for Akash and Payalji’s wedding.” Said NK.


“Oh I can’t wait to see it NK.” Said Akash excitedly.


“Neither can I.” agreed Payal.


Arnav directly looked at Shyam while saying, “It should really be something special.”


  1. Now shyam's really face will be revealed to the whole family
    Can't wait
    Please update soon dear
